Big Grower

A special section within GPN, reaching the nation's largest growers

GPN’s Big Grower franchise is a special section within GPN magazine that provides unique opportunities for industry suppliers to connect with our nation’s largest growers. GPN addresses the specific needs of big growers and connects them to the products and services that will enhance their operations.

Advertising Opportunities

  • Full page ad + full page advertorial (supplied by advertiser)
    • Ad Specs: 7.875″ w x 10.75 h
    • Advertorial Specs: 500 words, 2 images, company logo
  • Half page ad + half page advertorial (supplied by advertiser)
    • 7″ w x 4.875″ h
    • Advertorial Specs: 200 words, 1 image, company logo
  • Full page ad
  • Half page ad
  • Exclusive E-blast

2024 Special Sections: January, May, July & September

View the editorial calendar for ad space and materials due deadlines »

Contact Kim to promote your products directly to large greenhouse growers

Kim Sammartino
Associate Publisher

Andrea Schafer
Advertising Sales